Wound Closure Workshop

19 February 2022


8:00 am – 4:00 pm


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel



Supporting and strengthening wounds until healing increases their tensile strength:

  • Closing dead space
  • Approximating skin edges for an aesthetically pleasing and functional result
  • Minimizing the risks of bleeding and infection.


Dr. Yousef Alalawi

Consultant, Breast & Endocrine Surgery / General Surgery
Director of Surgery Department
Consultant for Academic Affairs

Dr. Nora Trabulsi

Assistant Professor of Surgery at King Abdulaziz University Hospital.


Dr. Esam Batayyah

Consultant, Breast & Endocrine Surgery / General Surgery
Director of Surgery Department
Consultant for Academic Affairs

Dr. Adel AlJohari

Assistant professor consultant general and laparoscopic surgery, working in KAUH, Jeddah.

Dr. Nora Trabulsi

Assistant Professor of Surgery at King Abdulaziz University Hospital.

Dr. Nadim Milibari

Instructor in both basic and advanced laparoscopic surgery courses, being held in KAUH, Jeddah.