
President's Welcome Message

Wail A. Tashkandi, MD, ABS, FCCMC

President, Saudi General Surgery Society

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Saudi General Surgery Society, it is a great honor to welcome you to the 14th Saudi General Surgery Society Forum which will be held on February 19th -21st, 2022 in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jeddah, KSA.

The Forum is organized with great scientific partners like Saudi Arabia Chapter, American College of Surgeons. Saudi Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery ,Saudi Arabia Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Saudi Group for Thoracic Surgery, Surgical Critical Care Chapter and Academy of Sciences.

In the Covid Pandemic, we learned a lot in terms of resource utilization and prioritization.

After the Covid Pandemic, and the next current era of recovery, focus will be in the updates in Surgery.

I wish all best for all participants and to enjoy this great gathering.

Scientific Committee Chairman's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Saudi General Surgery Society (SGSS) Scientific Committee, it is that time of the year, and my pleasure to welcome you to the 14th SGSS Forum. This year, we will hold it in the red sea bride of this great nation at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jeddah, KSA, from the 19th to the 21st of February 2022.

We have embraced this year’s forum theme with Updates in Surgery, with a whole panel dedicated to innovation and advances in surgery-related technology.

We have invited different Saudi surgical societies in the field of breast endocrine, trauma, thoracic, colorectal, hepatobiliary, and diabetic foot care surgery to present to you updates from different local and international experiences. This broad selection of experts in the field of surgical care would hopefully pique all our surgeons’ interests as we offer for everyone to enjoy.

The forum will be for two (2) days, with more than 32 talks related to updating surgical care, sharing experience, and innovations. We will as well invite the best abstract submissions for oral presentations. Our chairmen for our session are prestigious and expert surgeons from their respective fields who will moderate and enrich the discussions post presentations. There will be over 50 posters on display in the poster gallery throughout the conference. A committee will assess the posters to select the top three who will receive the awards. We will dedicate a pre-forum day for the Basic and Advanced Surgical Skills workshop.

This forum will be intriguing to most practicing all surgeons, physicians, hospital administrators, residents in training, students, and any health care worker who works in surgical field.

We are truly honored to host you at our 14th SGSS Forum and would be delighted to welcome you. We, the Scientific Committee, are hoping that you will enjoy the forum with memories to lasts.

Dr. Yousef Alalawi

Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee Chairman's Welcome Message

Wisam Jamal, MD, DES, DESC

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Professors, lecturers, researchers, surgical residents and medical students, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the organizing committee, it gives me a great pleasure and honor to welcome you all in our 14th Annual scientific meeting on “Updates in Surgery”, that will be held in the Jeddah, Bride of the Red Sea, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from February 19th -21st, 2022 in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jeddah, KSA.

Been away for the last two years because of the pandemic of COVID-19 that affects the whole world with all the precautions, today we are back to organize a unique scientific gathering and for the first time in the history of the society, a mega collaboration with all the scientific surgical societies and groups from all over the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to accommodate the participation of all surgeons with their different surgical specialties to meet, discuss and gather in one place at the same time.

The vision of our society is to be involved in different regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prior to this, the annual conference was held successfully in different regions around the kingdom, the last one was in Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, and we have chosen the modern Jeddah, the red sea bride for this upcoming event. 

I would like to welcome you all again, to enjoy your stay in Jeddah with our valuable scientific and nice social programs.

Throughout this conference, I ask that you stay engaged, keep us proactive, and help us shape the future of Surgery in the region. My personal thanks go out to all of you!